Saturday, January 23, 2010

Chicken Pox On Legs Only Chicken Pox On Only Legs And Feet?

Chicken Pox on only legs and feet? - chicken pox on legs only

I wonder whether it was possible to get chicken pox only on the legs and feet? I have very itchy red spots on the legs and feet that look like chickenpox. However, I have no spots anywhere else on my body. Could it be chicken pox or it is not possible since only the legs and feet. If it does not disappear in a few days, I go to the doctor. Thank you!


  1. Some people only points in one part of the body, esp. if they had chickenpox before (yes, you can run more than once). Are you sick? In chickenpox should other symptoms. The cream and reduce the itching and prevent any person who may be prone to go earlier for chicken pox (people, children, people whose immune system) until you see a doctor.

  2. No, you can not only do you em in the legs and feet.
    It is likely that some form of allergy.
