Sunday, February 14, 2010

Energy Flip Flop Will Obama Ever Stop FLIP FLOPPING On The Energy Crisis??

Will Obama ever stop FLIP FLOPPING on the energy crisis?? - energy flip flop

Obama in the last two weeks is their opinion about the problem of energy crisis, change!

Here is an article on the subject: ...


  1. Which agreement? McCain flip-flop stops.

    Either you are against offshore drilling before his election platform, not just flip-flop?

  2. I prefer that Obama or any other politician "flip flop" on issues to remain firm in his convictions, even if circumstances have changed what I thought. Politicians change their views on matters of interest is not for me. As far as his opinion will change for the good of the country and the people I'm for the politicians "flip flop"

  3. Obama will say what he thinks it takes to get elected for him. It is doubtful that he will continue with the promise. As Rev. Wright said: "He said he had to say as a politician similarly. Explained how the Canadian government that the free trade". This is the choice of the conversation. "He makes John Kerry flip flops look amateur.

  4. Yes, it is! Once elected or mostly agree with your answers.

    I know we all had for this child to grow each time you seem to be the rules just to meet this person. I hope that most of us are not stupid enough to believe that this person is good or lucky. It can not play not yet said anything, but we knew all this because this person rules for the game he made.

    I suspect most of us grew up and I know that Obama did not, but why not this tactic when all fell in love with him.

    Obama's latest creation: It was decided to make a seal of the president that he had a terrible answer. And what if no one oh well now? I suspect that the person would say thatsomething to this effect: "It was just a test, it was a joke, it was only temporary. How far this training with Obama.

    I suspect that their opinion of boring, as he gets more than 3/4th of the American people face change, will be used for drilling. I think it will be something like: "I was against drilling, if you follow these guidelines ... I've always been for them under these circumstances ... ..."

    So wake up people! Do not be that boys who go only to the other person thinks that the rules of the game when he plays against you. Please note that you are involved in this election "game" and sit and be passive when they will lose. This trick does not alter the rules of the game in hand for you or a benefit is that itamended to bring your needs or shortfalls.

  5. Electoral College DropoutFebruary 17, 2010 at 6:47 AM

    Um ... McCain has no relevance. And it makes much more frequent in most issues.

    Obama shows leadership on the course and reach compromises with Republicans.

    McCain had just changed, so it is in line with their Republican colleagues.

  6. And they call him "Flipper Flipper Flipper ... ..."

  7. Flip Flop? From where I sit, it seems that they negotiate. Nice that it comes sooner than later.

  8. The problem is that Obama really knows what to do.
